Who is a Visiting Fellow?
A Visiting Fellow is a scientifically qualified researcher who carries out scientific studies, research, collaboration and exchange activities within a department of the University of Pisa.
If the researcher wins a grant or research scholarship issued by the University of Pisa they will no longer be part of the Visiting Fellow category.
What is the duration of the Visiting Fellows programme?
It can last for a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 12 months.
What is the procedure to participate in the Visiting Fellows programme?
What is the application process if you submit a request?
1. filling in the appropriate form (attachment A)
2. attaching their curriculum vitae
3. attaching a copy of an ID (a passport, in the case of a non-EU citizen)
4. the application has to be sent to the CAI (International Coordinator) of the Department you wish to visit or work in Pisa.
When filling in attachment A, you must declare:
• the expected duration and dates of the visit to the department
• the title and a brief description of the research or study programme
• the name of a scientific representative who works in the department
After submitting the application form, candidates must wait for final approval by the department board.
What is the application process by invitation?
• Full professors and Associate professors of the department
• Researchers with a permanent contract
• Researchers with a fixed-term contract can invite a Visiting Fellow only if employed by the University of Pisa during the whole stay of the Visiting Fellow.
The professor or researcher who extends the invitation must fill in attachment B.
What kind of activity can a Visiting Fellow do?
- Research: During the visit period at the department, the Visiting Fellow can carry out the research activities as agreed with the scientific representative and approved by the department. If the object of the visiting period is the development of research activities, during the visit period at the department, the Visiting Fellow must present their research projects in workshops and seminars organized by the Department.
- Teaching: During the visit period at the department, the Visiting Fellow can teach certified activities within a degree programme, a doctoral school and a summer school. The possibility to carry out teaching activities of any form is subject to the possession of necessary scientific qualifications and, in any case, must be agreed upon with the scientific representative at the department and with the president of the degree programme or the coordinator of the doctoral school or of the summer school.
Why do I have to undergo medical examinations?
What are they looking for? What circumstances or results would prevent me from working in the lab?
Do we have to wait for the results before I am able to work in the lab? If so, how long does it take to get the results?
It will take only a few days. Blood test will be ready in 24 hours and most of the instrumental exams are performed within the time slot of the scheduled appointment for the medical examination. Once all the prescribed medical exams have been done, we can release the fitness for duty certification.
Are results confidential?
The results of the medical examination, as well as of any other health tests will be kept confidential, according to both privacy and professional secrecy legislation.
Who gets a copy of the report?
Only people undergoing the occupational medical protocol and the medical staff directly involved may have access to personal data or medical reports. The fitness for duty certificate, cleared of any personal sensitive data will be delivered to the director of the department.
Who does the blood test / where does the test take place? Will an English speaker be present? Do I have to sign any documentation as part of the medical assessment, if so would copies in English be provided?
All the prescribed medical tests will be performed at the University Hospital of Pisa. You will be provided with a request for a blood exam. If you either don´t know where the University hospital is or do not feel comfortable with Italian language, ask your UNIPI tutor to accompany you, since no English speaking personnel is guarantee. Most physicians of our occupational medicine division speak English at a level sufficient to communicate and conduct a medical examination with foreigners. You will be asked to sign the fitness-for-job certificate, in order to declare the medical history you refer is complete and true. If requested, an English version of the certificate may be released.
What are the Department scientific supervisor's fullfilments BEFORE the arrival of the Visiting Fellow?
Before the arrival:
- Guest Communication Form: the scientific contact person must fill in the “guest communication” form available at the link https://www.dcci.unipi.it/images/modulistica/modulo_ospite_dcci.pdf and return it by e-mail digitally signed to
By signing the aforementioned form, a medical examination is requested for any activity* the guest will carry out to which she/he must undergo before staring his/her activity in the Department; it is also declared to have read and accepted the Unique Departmental Risk Form available at the link https://www.dcci.unipi.it/modulistica-sicurezza.html
- Upon receipt of the communication, the didactic secretariat will forward the request to Ms Luciana Masini (
• Email account. If necessary (eg Visiting Fellows from outside the EU), the scientific representative may request a departmental email account by filling in and signing the attached form which must be sent together with an identification document to Mrs Beatrice Pistoresi (
After the authorization by the Head of the Department, the supervisor must:
• ask Mr David Macchia
• assist the Visiting Fellow in:
a) answering to the questions at the webpage https://infocovid.viaggiaresicuri.it/index_en.html
b) checking the webpage with the updated information: https://www.esteri.it/mae/en/ministero/normativaonline/decreto-iorestoacasa-domande-frequenti/focus-cittadini-italiani-in-rientro-dall-estero-e-cittadini-stranieri-in-italia.html
c) reading and understanding the University's anticovid protocol and the updated complementary information at the webpage: https://www.unipi.it/index.php/news/item/17591-coronavirus
* In case the activity will be computational, the medical examination will be only for display screen.
What are the Department scientific supervisor's fullfilments AFTER the end of the VF's visit?
Within one month from the end of the visit, a description of the activities carried out by the Visiting Fellow must be submitted and it should highlight the performance of at least one of the following activity referred to the period of his/her stay:
- 18h of lessons in a study course (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate or Specialization Schools);
- Preparation of a joint article with at least one professor or researcher of the Department;
- Preparation of a project proposal for the participation in a competitive call in which the University of Pisa appears as Coordinator or partner.